Branded Garden Products
Full Direct Mail Management Service
long term relationship has seen us provide direct mail, print and our HUB solution.

The Brief
… or actually not so “brief”! Our team have been lucky enough to have a long working relationship with Branded Garden Products, spanning 22 years! It all began when our CEO was early in his direct marketing career as a Commercial Manager.
Fast-forward to today, where we’re providing our client with high-volume direct marketing and print production services, and product inventory/digital asset management via our HUB.
Our partnership is a genuine one – built on trust, transparancy and respect.
The Challenge
As with all businesses, there has been peaks and troughs in demand, which has required us to be adaptable, agile and flexible in order to meet our clients needs.
For example, during the pandemic, our client was in such high demand due to the public’s increase in gardening activity, it meant greatly reducing the planned marketing output.
Of course, the pandemic and shipping backlogs has led to other challenges (such as print delays and paper shortages) but these have been navigated with the utmost honesty and transparency. When restrictions in the pandemic meant weren’t able to visit our clients in person for a couple of years, we really missed seeing them!

The Solution
Our solution to meeting Branded Garden Products’ needs has been (and always will be!) to operate with accuracy, the utmost care, and to add value to our client.
Telescope’s production team work tirelessly to adapt to changing deadlines, production-windows and the ever-changing customer market. This is supported by our HUB service – the workflow which underpins our clients’ catalogue production to ensure the highest efficiency.
We work with multiple print suppliers to find the solution which fits best for each project (whether that be producing mailouts, catalogues, POS or even seed packets)! This ensures the materials we produce are best possible quality, in the most cost-effective way.
"Telescope are simply a great company to work alongside on all our direct mail activities. Approachable, adaptable and supportive, they have developed a deep understanding of the commercial needs of our business and our challenges. Team Telescope come highly recommended by all at Branded Garden Products."
Head of Direct Marketing, Branded Garden Products
"Telescope are simply a great company to work alongside on all our direct mail activities. Approachable, adaptable and supportive, they have developed a deep understanding of the commercial needs of our business and our challenges. Team Telescope come highly recommended by all at Branded Garden Products."
Head of Direct Marketing, Branded Garden Products