Direct Mail & Marketing Strategy
The Brief
Pavers, a well-known high street footwear retailer with a large mail order customer database, approached us to work with them on a new, more dynamic approach to season launches for their top customers.
We’re experts in digital asset and product information management, which is backed up by our HUB system, so we proposed an approach that harnessed this capability, in combination with digital print and transactional data.
The Process
The idea that we proposed for the spring/summer campaign was to go back to the last purchase each top customer had made in the previous year/s, and acquire an image of that product (a sandal for example).
From the SKU we would then identify the product group and select three new styles from the same product group that were being launched in the new spring/summer collection, and acquire the relevant images, product narrative and pricing information.
In order to produce this product Telescope had to acquire code and manipulate thousands of product images, and then write a programme to recognise the original product, and map it to the new launches.
The Solution
A mini-brochure was designed, comprising of a 32pp common inner text and a 6pp fully variable digital cover, which would be stitched to the text.
The cover was fully personalised to the individual, with the inner panel identifying the previous purchase with an image and a message saying: “We hope you liked your [previous purchase]… Based upon your previous choice we thought you might like the following styles, hand-picked for you, that are launching this season.“
Images, narrative and pricing for these recommended styles were then printed dynamically.
The campaign was a resounding success, and demonstrated our strengths in content-driven marketing!